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Camp Impact

Join Pond's special edition learning series to hear how your nonprofit peers solved their biggest challenges.

Pond is covering four core nonprofit topics this summer for over four weeks. Each week will start with a high-impact and equity-based workshop followed by a showcase of your nonprofit peers’ biggest success stories.

You’ll get extremely actionable expert guidance in the opening workshop, then learn about specific strategies and products from your peers to maximize your impact in 90 minutes.

Outside of Camp Impact, Pond hosts many live interactive discussions on everything nonprofit leaders care about the most - Disrupting Philanthropy, Racial Equity, Hiring, Fundraising - the list is endless. Check out all the great past sessions, and keep an eye out for all the new ones here!


Pond is a free platform for nonprofits and charitable programs to get paid for the time they spend evaluating solutions for their organization’s work. Learn more at

June 7

Lunch and Learn: Starting a Nonprofit or Charitable Project

September 28

Setting up a Non-Profit: Incorporation vs. Fiscal Sponsorship